Hollywood Millionaire Demands Reparations For His Suffering
JJ Abrams Loves Diversity Except When His Kid Wants To Write Spider Man Comics
Hey everybody! What’s going on? We got any Spider-man fans out there? Anybody out there a gigantic fan of the amazing Spider-man? If so, I’ve got great news for you! A new Spider-man series is coming and I can already hear what you guys are thinking out there. Who is it? Who’s this person coming and writing this series? Is it somebody with a well-established history with Spider-man? Is it somebody with a wealth of experience coming forward, bringing it to the table, and putting pen to paper to give us an excellent Spider-man series? Or maybe it’s somebody from the outside? Maybe somebody on the outside wrote up a fantastic treatment and Marvel just had to have it so they’re bringing them in for a limited series run? Well, if you’re stupid enough to think that they would be doing something that sensible, hold on to your balls, because, no, you’re not getting any of that. You’re gonna get JJ Abrams’ kid. That’s right. JJ Abrams’ kid, riding the wave of DNA, he’s going to be writing a Spider-man series. …
Marvel Characters That Can’t Sell Comics Are Coming To MCU
Hey everybody, what’s going on? Hope everybody’s doing well out there. Are you ready for some pandering? You guys want to take a look at some pandering with me? Check this out. …
Check Out Who’s First In Line!
Trump Train 2020
Female Athletes File Complaint Against Transgender Participation
Memphis Burns Over Identity Politics
Hey everybody! What’s going on? Well, let’s take a look at some of the result of identity politics in our society today. Here we have a young man shot, murdered if you will, by US Marshals in Memphis and according to the rhetoric and the logic coming from the left, coming from Hollywood actors, sports elites and, of course, every single democratic presidential candidate we all know, that cops are bad. …
Was It Something We Taxed?
I thought Captain Marvel Did All Her Own Stunts?
Hey everybody what’s going on? Well she just won’t go away. Go away, Brie Larson! Why does she keep popping up? I mean she’s not doing anything. They’re not working on the new Captain Marvel, and why aren’t they by the way? …