Vaccines that work don’t need this much bullshit hard selling
Bill Gates is a Bond Villain
Hiring pilots based on skin color – what could possibly go wrong?
demanding justice by threatening to burn and loot other people’s property is peak leftism aids
Black Lives Matter activist threatens ‘all hell is gonna break loose’ if ‘George Floyd’s murderer is not sentenced’
Model and social media influencer Maya Echols — who boasts nearly a half-million TikTok followers — also said ‘don’t be surprised when buildings are on fire’
coof cultist celebrate being medically experimented on for disease less lethal than the vacc
Got a Feeling This woman won’t be charged
First casualty of Trump’s boycott hitlist
Keep Up The Delta Airlines Boycott – Delta Cancels Over 100 Flights on Sunday, But Cites “Staff Shortages”
You decide what is likely. A coincidental cancellation across multiple states, affecting multiple flights, in multiple locations… or the boycott is working?
camera perspective is huwhite supremacy
funny how no democrats “accidentally” get suspended on twitter
BREAKING: Twitter Claims They ‘Mistakenly’ Suspended MTG After ‘He Is Risen’ Tweet – Second Time In Less Than 30 Days
This is the second time in less than 30 days that Twitter has suspended Rep. Greene by mistake.